

ワクチン接種をためらっている方へ-For those who are hesitant about vaccination.2021.08.29


Young persons living in the United States have expressed anxiety about the COVID-19 vaccination. Problems of faith, effects of viral genes, side effects, etc. I think everyone has common concerns, so I will post the reply.

For those who are hesitant about vaccination.
The new coronavirus COVID-19 is the first virus encountered by humankind, and no one has ever had immunity. The pandemic of viral infection ends with the acquisition of antibodies by many. Currently, the vaccine effect is not sufficient because the speed of vaccination is not keeping up with the mutation of the virus. COVID-19 has acquired mutations that reduce lethality and increase propagation. However, the case fatality rate is still higher than that of influenza virus. The case fatality rate of COVID-19 is still high, so it is still a threat to humankind. By speeding up vaccination, you can achieve a balance between lethality and transmission due to viral mutations. With the cooperation of many people in vaccination, this goal can be achieved quickly. The vaccine against COVID-19 is an mRNA vaccine, which is a very effective vaccine. Vaccine components are captured by phagocytic cells in the body, translated into viral surface proteins within the cells, and released into the body. The mRNA used in the vaccine is information only on the surface protein of the virus. Therefore, the COVID-19 virus itself is not replicated in the body. Also, vaccine mRNA is not reverse transcribed into DNA in the human body and not integrated into the genome. There is a belief that you do not want to put the genes of other organisms into your body, but since the vaccine is the same as infecting a part of the virus, think that “safe COVID-19 is infected”. Human cells have organelles called mitochondria. In fact, mitochondria contain unique DNA that is different from the DNA of human cells. Mitochondria are thought to be organisms that have invaded human cells during evolution. The inoculation of the mRNA vaccine into the human body and the entry of mitochondria into human cells are similar events. We often hear that the side effects of vaccines are scary. Vaccine side effects appear to be caused by two major causes. First of all, polyethylene glycol hypersensitivity. People who are hypersensitive to cosmetics are more likely to have anaphylactic symptoms of the vaccine. For such people, the method called H1-H2 block may be effective. And the second is dehydration. People who are accustomed to overdose of alcohol and caffeine are more likely to become dehydrated and have side effects. For women, menstrual bleeding causes dehydration. Women with menstrual bleeding will have strong side effects. A lot of fluid intake is required before and after vaccination to avoid side effects. Please be vaccinated by understanding the mechanism of action and characteristics of the vaccine. The cooperation of each and every one of you will help save the crisis of humankind.


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